Morning Meditation
As part of our work, the residents host guided meditations every weekday morning and during this time we hold a special beneficial intention for the community that we live and […]
As part of our work, the residents host guided meditations every weekday morning and during this time we hold a special beneficial intention for the community that we live and […]
This class will be held via Zoom or Skype! Autogenic training (AT) is a little-known relaxation technique that’s effective for a variety of stress-related conditions. AT engages mind and body in deep relaxation, reversing the stress response. The resulting altered state of consciousness allows spontaneous, often subtle, psychological and physiological changes – known as the […]
These special meditations are deeply steeped in the Tibetan tradition and often appeal to those who resonate with mystical or symbolic meditation practices. After generating compassion, one visualizes being immersed in a special quality or state of mind such as healing, wisdom, or purity. The meditations also include quiet contemplation of symbolic imagery, such as […]
His Holiness the Dalai Lama has said, “Don’t try to use what you learn from Buddhism to be a Buddhist; use it to be a better whatever-you-already-are.” In this series, learn how Buddhist concepts and meditation techniques can improve your life. Whether you are simply interested in gaining more wisdom in your own life path or are an experienced Buddhist meditator, […]
Research supports the healing impact of Qigong for asthma, lung problems, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, IBS, digestive disorders, arthritis, most chronic diseases, compliments cancer treatment and more. Join us to learn how to improve your health using simple acupressure, breathing exercises, and gentle bending and stretching exercises. With over 20 years experience in healthcare, […]
As part of our work, the residents host guided meditations every weekday morning and during this time we hold a special beneficial intention for the community that we live and […]
As part of our work, the residents host guided meditations every weekday morning and during this time we hold a special beneficial intention for the community that we live and […]
Do you need to build understanding or agreement in your workplace, project, community or family? Do you feel challenged in discussing difficult topics or in giving feedback? Join this group to learn a simple communication process that can be applied in any situation. Based on Marshall Rosenberg’s technique called Nonviolent Communication, and on Words That Work […]
As part of our work, the residents host guided meditations every weekday morning and during this time we hold a special beneficial intention for the community that we live and […]
As part of our work, the residents host guided meditations every weekday morning and during this time we hold a special beneficial intention for the community that we live and […]