Ngawang Wangmo
Ngawang Wangmo (Cricket Fausek) a founder of Joyful Path, has devoted her life to compassionate service, blending her medical expertise with her deep commitment to Buddhist practice. A Registered Nurse with a Master of Science in Nursing from Edgewood College, Cricket has taught nursing at the college level and continues to provide direct care to clients in a local clinic. Her practical, hands-on approach to caregiving reflects her grounded, steady presence in all that she does.

From 2007 to 2012, Cricket was a participant in the White Conch Dharma Center Teacher Training program, and she has held numerous positions within the center, including serving as Rinpoche’s assistant, participating as a Tenzhuk coordinator during White Conch’s formative years, and volunteering as a scribe. Cricket has also completed Level 1 Conscious End of Life training through the Grand Transitions Institute and Hospice, and she currently serves as a vigil volunteer at St. Mary’s in Madison. Her work in hospice care reflects her dedication to easing the journey for those at the end of life, a role she approaches with quiet strength and compassion.

Although Cricket has retired from teaching in the formal sense, her work continues as a presence at Joyful Path. She served as the organization’s administrative coordinator from 2008 to 2018, and has been a consistent presence in the community. Known for her connection to the Dharma, Cricket continues to offer her wisdom with a calm and steady spirit.
Watch a full length teaching by Lama Wangmo on The Four Great Wishes that Transform the Heart