Cricket Fausek (Lama Wangmo)

Cricket Fausek (Lama Wangmo)

Cricket Fausek (RN, MSN) is an ordained monastic of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, and holds a Masters of Science in Nursing from Edgewood College. She has taught nursing at the college level and provides direct care for clients in a local clinic. Since 2007, Cricket has been training as a teacher in the White Conch Dharma Center Teacher Training program. She has also completed a Level 1 Conscious End of Life program through Grand Transitions Institute and Hospice and currently serves as a vigil volunteer at St Mary’s in Madison. She teaches Probiotic Health Strategies, leads group meditations and teaches regularly in the Practical Buddhist Wisdom series at Joyful Path.

Watch a full length teaching by Lama Wangmo on
The Four Great Wishes that Transform the Heart

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